Mythic Physique

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus


A Quest for Optimal Wellness



Mythic Physique is an informational resource compiled by Hercules Invictus.  The contents reflect the views of the individuals contributing to it, offered lovingly and with the best of intentions. However, these resources may not be suitable to your individual fitness needs. Please consult with your physician or other qualified health professional before attempting any diet or exercise program.


Steve Reeves Tribute

Throughout 2017 I will be honoring Steve Reeves, the first cinematic Hercules, as my Mythic Mentor. I will be learning about him, celebrating his legacy, applying what I learn from him and sharing my journey with others.

For more information, please click on the Steve Reeves Tribute menu-link on the left.

What is YOUR idea of the ideal body?

Mine has always been the mythic physique depicted in the Sword & Sandal films that were popular during my childhood. This heroic template was in turn inspired by the Greco-Roman statuary that depicted my Olympian ancestors. Both cinema and sculpture celebrated the mighty ones of old, the doers of great deeds.

I am currently in my late-50s and no longer as able to lift heavy weights as I once did in my youth. However, I am determined to embody and express my ideal physique to the best of my ability for the remainder of my years. 

You are invited to accompany me on this Quest, and to share the details of your own journey in these web pages.


Hercules Invictus

Mythic Mentor 2017

Mythic Physique/Hercules Today