Cosmic Reviews

Neo Art & Logic


Six Days in Roswell


Can lightning strike thrice? Well, obviously it can. Witness Neo Art & Logic's bizarre yet engaging documentary Six Days in Roswell.


Having brought us Trekkies in 1999 and Trekkies 2 in 2004, Joel Sosson, Michael Leahy, Roger Nygard and crew bring us yet another behind the scenes look at the remarkable people who choose to live in our popular culture's most iconic Outer Space mythologies.


Rather than returning to the fictive Star Trek universe of their earlier films, here we follow UFO buff Richard Kronfeld as he boldly makes his way to Roswell, New Mexico to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the flying saucer crash that put Roswell on the map.

Kronfeld, his home-town's very own, and much paraded, Captain Pike (after the accident), seeks abduction by aliens. During his 81 minute odyssey he encounters a variety of colorful people whose lives have been transformed by the UFO enigma. Many of them want to sell him things. Others make startling claims, some of which are actually quite profound and insightful.


In Roswell UFO experts mingle with UFO enthusiasts. UFO cultists proselytize while UFO debunkers loudly denounce. Richard acquires a UFO haircut and fills his pockets with rocks from the UFO crash site. He eats UFO themed food and gazes at strange UFO exhibits. He misplaces his sunglasses. And through him, albeit vicariously, so do you.


Six Days in Roswell was obviously meant to be a comedy, and at certain points the documentary felt very much contrived. Yet it won my heart and earned a place in my 'Watch Often' stack of DVDs. Why? Because it was was lots of fun and very informative. It dared to celebrate the preposterousness of the UFO enigma in a manner that remained respectful to the real people involved. Indeed, their premiere in Roswell was very well received, even by the folks who were lampooned in the flick.


If you are a Seeker of Answers to Cosmic Questions you probably won't find what you're looking for in Six Days in Roswell. If, however, you wish to take a memorable and enjoyable side-trip into the very heart and soul of the UFO movement - this film was made for you!


Review by Hercules Invictus


Larger Than Life Living In The World Today
      (c) 1975 - 2016 Hercules Invictus
