Mount Olympus Presents:

The Quest for the Golden Fleece

Olympian Prayer Circle

Mount Olympus has an active Prayer Circle on Facebook. We accept positive Prayer Requests from any and all, regardless of their personal belief system(s) or lack thereof. These prayers may be for the requester, their family and friends, other sentient beings, our entire planet, positive human endeavors and even places or things. We will gladly add our prayers to your positive Intercessory efforts as well, regardless of the deities/deity you are addressing them to. This service is freely and joyously offered!

We also invoke the Protective Prayer Shield of Mount Olympus monthly so that all in our community are spiritually protected. We pray that all receive comfort and relief from whatever ails them. We also ask that our minds be free from worry so that we may fully enjoy the splendors of creation.

In 2017 we began posting Prayer Requests for all our Olympian efforts, including our Quest for the Golden Fleece.

To join our Prayer Circle or post a Prayer Request, please Friend Hercules Invictus on Facebook.


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(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus