Episode 61: S3-11 Monday 5/8/17
Topic A: The Council of the Elohim Part IIGuest: Author/Lecturer/Biblical Scholar: Michael S.Heiser
Topic B: The Sixth Revelation: An Update
Guests: Michael and Dianne Dunkin
Episode 62: S3-12 Monday 5/15/17
Topics: Modern Encounters with Mythical Monsters
and The Matrix Control System of Philip K. Dick
Guests: Timothy Beckley and Tim R. Swartz
Episode 63: S3-13 Monday 5/22/17
Topic: The Pulse of Creation: Part I
Guest: Celeste Appel, Jack Appel, Lani Calvert
Episode 64: S3-14 Monday 5/29/17
Topic: Interfaith Round Table DialogueEpisode 65: S3-15 Monday 6/5/17
Topic A: Meeting with the MelchizedeksGuests: Michael & Dianne Dunkin
From: The Sixth RevelationGuests: Ivan Szendro, Gabri'El Stollman
Episode 66: S3-16 Monday 6/12/17
Topic: The Pulse of Creation: Part IIGuest: Celeste Appel, Jack Appel, Lani Calvert
From: The Unarius Academy of ScienceEpisode 67: S3-17 Monday 6/19/17
Topic: Theurgy: Connecting with the DivineEpisode 68: S3-18 Monday 6/26/17
Guest: Interfaith Argonaut Maria D'Andrea
Topic B: Interfaith Dialogue
Guest: George Helmer
Topic A: The Wisdom of Hypatia
Author: Bruce MacLennan
Topic: Ancient Aliens & UFOs
Author: Nick Redfern
Topic A: The Healing Art of Essential Oils
Author: Kac Young, PhD
Topic B: Wars of the Anunnaki
Author: Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D.
Topic A: Interfaith Celebration
Guests: Argonaut Linda Marciniak
Topic B: Interfaith Round Table
Topic: Poseidon, Hermes and the Atlantean Age of Myth
Guest: Celeste Appel
From: The Unarius Academy of Science
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(c) 1975 - 2017 Hercules Invictus
Season Three
Voice of Olympus
Episodes # 61-73Mount Olympus Presents: