Episode 74: S4-01 Monday 8/7/17

Topic A: Sword & Sandal: Mighty Sons of Hercules

9:00 - 10:00 PM EST: Brian Walker

From Brian's Drive in Theater

Topic B: Ron Carson's Coliseum

10:00 - 11:00 PM EST: Ron Carson

Radio Personality

Episode 75: S4-02 Monday 8/14/17

Topic A: The Thirty Three Worlds - Part One

Guests: Celeste Appel, Kevin Kennedy

From: The Unarius Academy of Science

Topic B: One Man's Journey Into the Mysterious

Guest: Olav Phillips

From: PARANOIA Magazine & Podcast, MYSTERIOUS Magazine

Episode 76: S4-03 Monday 8/21/17

Topic A: Temenos:The Shadow World

Guest A: Marcela Zaragoza

Topic B: Crystal Wisdom: Celestial Contact
Guest B: Linda Marciniak
From: The Amber Dragon

Episode 77: S4-04 Monday 8/28/17

Topic A: Focus On: First Message from the Magisterial Son

Guests Michael and Dianne Dunkin

Topic B: Interfaith Round Table

Guests: Interfaith Argonauts

Episode 78: S4-05 Monday 9/4/17

Topic A: Mythic Storyteller

Guest Author: Ryan Foley

Topic B: Sword & Sandal Cinema: Mythic Monsters

Guest B: Brian Walker

From: Brian's Drive in Theater

Topic C: Ron Carson's Coliseum: Peplum Paradise

Guest C: Ron Carson

Radio Personality

Episode 79: S4-06 Monday 9/11/17

Topic: Divine Messenger

Guest: David Christopher Lewis

From: The Heart Center

Episode 80: S4-07 Monday 9/18/17

Topic A: Initiatic Orders: Goals, Methodologies and Relevance in Today's World

Guest: Jean-Louis de Biasi

Grand Master of Aurum Solis and the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross

Topic B: Temenos: The Exotics

Guests: Lily Bright K. Elteto

Episode 81: S4-08 Monday 9/25/17

Topic A: Argonaut Focus On: Goddess Power
Host: Athena Victory

Guests: Linda Marciniak, Astrid

Topic B: Interfaith Round Table

Guests: Interfaith Argonauts



Larger than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975 - 2017 Hercules Invictus

Season Four

Voice of Olympus

Episode # 74 - 81