The Elysium Project
Creating the Best of All Worlds

Destiny Quest: Review

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus

An Age of Heroes Initiative

As I am extremely satisfied with Mindvalley's Free online Silva course, I immediately signed up for their Free online Creative Visualization course, which was offered to me shortly after I started the Silva Lessons. 

I first became aware of Creative Visualization in 1978, when Shakti Gawaine published her pioneer work on the topic, a thin and easy to use guide with a comprehensive bibliography. 

Lisa Nichols, who entered my awareness via The Secret DVD, is involved with this educational experience, so that is an added bonus. Her insights added more depth to the material. I received an invitation to a Free online seminar she was hosting and greatly benefited from participating. A substantial discount off her new course was also offered.

The Creative Visualization course can be requested through the Mindvalley website. It is comprised of nine Lessons that are e-mailed to you in sequence and can be accessed via links. There are accompanied by frequent inspirational e-mail messages from the Mindvalley Team and several powerful videos featuring Mindvalley's visionary CEO Vishen Lakhiani.

I will be reading the Lessons shortly after they arrive, performing the exercises, and sharing my experiences here in Destiny Quest.

Course: The Science of Creative Visualization

Lesson 1: Reality is an Illusion

This Lesson introduces you to the power of your mind and emotions in creating your experience of reality. Case Studies demonstrate the science behind this assertion. Self-limiting beliefs and programmed resistance to manifesting our desires are demonstrated to be illusory as well, and totally within our power to change.

Lesson 2: Avoid Realism

This Lesson focuses on how our conditioned beliefs keep us shackled to less than satisfying circumstances and how our capacity to imagine, to dream, can liberate us. All children are born with this ability and exercise it through play. We are directed to henceforth heed flashes of inspiration and synchronistic events.

Lesson 3: Focus on What You Feel

This Lesson explains the important role of emotion in manifesting your desires: It is the feelings you feel rather than the images you conjure that shape your reality. You also learn how can you use the fact that your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between what is imagined, what is remembered and what is actually happening to influence your future.

Lesson 4: Don't Feel Guilty

Lesson 4 helps you dispel the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from acknowledging and actively working on manifesting your true desires. There is an excellent and inspiring Guided Visualization that exemplifies all you have been learning.

Lesson 5: Know What You Want

This Lesson explains why it is important to focus on manifesting the end result you desire, and not on anticipating the steps of the journey getting there. 

Lesson 6: Seek Balance in Your Desires

In Lesson 6 you learn why it is important to focus on experiencing a fulfilled wholeness rather than the individual attainment of steps.

Lesson 7: Stay in the Flow

Lesson 7 assists you with partnering with the Universe, letting go and following the flow to the realization of your dreams. Also: how to significantly increase your luck and happiness levels. 

Lesson 8: The Expectancy Effect

The contents of Lesson 8 instruct you how to effectively harness the power of your desires and how to expect success from a position of abundance rather than lack.

Lesson 9: The Power of Gratitude

The 9th and Final Lesson is a primer on being happy and grateful in the here-and-now. It contains helpful suggestions on how to view your current circumstances from a more positive and productive perspective that opens the door to prosperity.

This awesome Sample course effectively re-framed and revitalized my practice of Creative Visualization. Vishen Lakhiani, Lisa Nichols and the Mindvalley Support Team were powerfully partnered in providing an unparalleled Introductory training experience. I look forward to someday reviewing the entire course. 

Review by Hercules Invictus