The Elysium Project
Creating the Best of All Worlds

Destiny Quest: Review

An Age of Heroes Initiative

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus

How real is reality? How much of what exists can our senses perceive? How much of this input can our minds actually process? How much of what we experience is colored by our conditioning? How much is influenced by our past experiences and expectations? 

'What the Bleep Do We Know!?' is a fun exploration of these and many other existential questions. The lens we are led to examine these topics through is primarily, but not exclusively, theoretical physics. Quantum mechanics. the nature of time, the emptiness of matter and the dramatic response of water molecules to human thoughts are just some of the other topics visited on this journey.

Amanda (Marlee Martin), whose adventures we follow, is a deaf photographer who has become bitter and cynical about relationships, religion and life in general. She feels victimized, and suffers victimization, until her personal outlook changes. Her friend Jennifer and a series of unusual encounters lovingly challenge her entrenched beliefs and offer her more expansive perspectives. And her life is gradually transformed into one of greater joy, potential and possibility.

A dozen or so scientists, philosophers and mystics provide lots of thought-provoking information throughout the film. Animated sequences help you visualize the concepts they are introducing.

The message of this movie is phenomenally empowering: Reality is an illusion that we ourselves create and our control over this illusion is much greater than we currently imagine. This film is well worth watching and the material presented is well worth pondering and playing with.

Review by Hercules Invictus