The Elysium Project
Creating the Best of All Worlds

An Age of Heroes Initiative

Destiny Quest: Review


Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus

Our creativity is our most divine attribute and our ability to make our inner images physically real is proof positive of the great power that resides within each and every one of us. 

Many techniques have been developed over the millennia to teach us how to cultivate and apply this power. Fortunately we live in a time when this information is not only readily available, but is presented in a variety of ways. This diversity in approach is important because not everything works for everyone every time it is attempted.  

Mike Hernaki's personal revelation came after twenty years of experimentation with the self-help techniques of others. Despite his best efforts, his results were often disappointing. His 'Aha!' moment led to a streamlining of the manifestation process and a ruthless application of Occam's Razor to many of the cherished assumptions he was laboring under regarding how things come into being.

His Ultimate Secret is indeed extremely simple. It also promises to deliver on any dream, whether great or small. And you'll find that on some level you are already familiar with it and have even, on occasion, successfully applied it. That being said, I must warn you that, despite all this, it is not easy to apply. It requires accepting total responsibility for your life, taking risks and fully committing to the changes you would like to bring about, despite the opposition of others in your world.

Unlike most other systems, the Ultimate Secret doesn't require you to perform a series of set actions. It encourages, instead, an openness, a receptivity to better circumstances and states of mind. It also reveals the role of your intent, or your willingness, in manifesting your desires. One insight that I greatly agree with is that the process of transformation, which the author likens to a journey, is important in and of itself and should be savored. 

Overall I enjoyed and benefited from 'The Ultimate Secret to Getting Absolutely Everything You Want'. It has simplified and contributed greatly to my own explorations.

Review by Hercules Invictus