The Elysium Project
Creating the Best of All Worlds

An Age of Heroes Initiative


Destiny Quest: Review

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus

I first encountered Dr. Wayne Dyer in the early 1980s, when I began my sojourn as a professional in the Human Services. I read some of his early writings, was quite impressed, and recall going to hear him speak at some conference or college auditorium. 

Decades later, I still find his pioneering work deeply insightful and immensely practical. As I am actively engaged in my own Destiny Quest and focused on further cultivating my practice of manifestation, his course 'The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny' seemed like an ideal program to attempt. 

The experience is contained on seven audiotapes. Five of them serve as an introduction to the manifestation process and an explanation of the principles upon which it rests. The two-part daily meditation is on the sixth tape. The seventh, or 'bonus', tape summarizes the material contained in the first five tapes.  

I have just completed my initial exploration of the material and have begun the twice-a-day meditation practice. I will perform this ritual for the next fifteen days, as prescribed, and will report my results here.

In the interim I will revisit the first five tapes and provide my visitors with a brief overview. 

Session One: T1S1 (Tape 1 Side 1) is an Introduction to the program, Wayne Dyer's journey and how he found himself, over time, moving beyond the physical world into the meta-physical and spiritual realms.

Session Two: T1S2 is an account of how the program's meditation was given to Dr. Dyer by Guruji, his awesome experiences with it and the awesome experiences of others who've tried it, with lots of helpful advice.

Session Three: T2S1 urges you to transcend tribal thinking and operate from your Highest Self, which always seeks peace. Light is shed on the tremendous power of unbridled potentiality, which is always unseen.

Session Four: T2S2 teaches us to trust and partner with the Divine Intelligence which is already within us as well as without. This divine source is also eternal, boundless and unchanging,

Session Five: Having established that we have a Higher Aspect which is part of a Divine Intelligence that manifests through all things, T3S1 reveals that we must take total responsibility for everything in our lives, stop seeing ourselves as victims and feel worthy of receiving before we can effectively manifest our desires.

Session Six: T3S2 helps us re-frame our connection and relationship with our external environment, which is as much a part of us as our bodies and internal processes.

Session Seven: T4S1 is about recognizing and overcoming addictions, habitual behaviors and dysfunctional thought patterns through applied spirituality.

Session Eight: On T4S2 we learn the power of unconditional love and selfless service.

Session Nine: T5S1 concerns itself with the paradoxes of the manifestation process and the importance of cultivating patience, allowing things to come about in their own time.

Session Ten: On T5S2 we are reminded to be grateful and generous at all times.

I have completed the fifteen-day program. Though nothing dramatic manifested during that time, several of my projects were moved much further along by circumstances beyond my control. I will occasionally revisit the entire system, as presented, and am retaining several of the elements it introduced into my current daily practice.


Review by Hercules Invictus