The Elysium Project
Creating the Best of All Worlds

Though it may often feel like you're alone during times of uncertainty and transition, it is important to realize that you are not.

We are all on this quest together, whether we are self-employed, working full-time, part-time or not at all. Perhaps we can assist each other on this life-changing adventure.

You are hereby invited to join our Fellowship by utilizing the resources herein contained and participating in this online journey. My current Destiny Quest is to align myself with opportunities that will help me establish myself in the context of my current community and grow my Mythic Entertainment company, Mount Olympus. Aside from what I am sharing here, my entire website can be said to support my Quest, so please feel free to explore.

It is my personal belief that our greatest assets arise from our uniqueness and that it is our responsibility to claim our own personal power, cultivate our unique gifts and dedicate them to the betterment of our world.

I wish you all Joyous Journeys and Great Successes!

Hercules Invictus


Destiny Quest is an informational resource compiled by Hercules Invictus.  The contents reflect the views of the individuals contributing to it, offered lovingly and with the best of intentions. However, these resources may not be suitable or sufficient for all your individual vocational needs.

Destiny Quest

An Age of Heroes Initiative

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus


Our Dreams are important. They guide us toward a better tomorrow. Yet it is what we do now, in the present moment, that determines if our Dreams will ever come true.

Your being here means that you are motivated to move forward in life and are determined to create a better future for yourself and your loved ones.

I salute you! And now, let the adventure begin...

What we do for a living helps define our place in the greater human community.

The quest for one's Purpose... one's Calling... one's True Vocation is often a life-long pursuit. Each job, each volunteer experience, each action we take toward self-improvement and skill-acquisition is a step forward in this never-ending journey of self-discovery and self-expression.