The Elysium Project
Creating the Best of All Worlds

An Age of Heroes Initiative

Destiny Quest

Facing Geras: Getting Older

Although the tale does not survive, Hercules' encounter with Geras, known to us as Old Age, is preserved on ancient pottery.

Geras was said to be a child of Erebos and Nyx, or sometimes the issue of Primordial Night alone.

As can be expected, in some depictions our hero is engaged in staving off, or actively fighting Old Age. The shrivelled and diminutive Geras doesn't seem to stand a chance. 

In other depictions the encounter between Hercules and Geras seems remarkably free of conflict, almost friendly.

How do we reconcile these contradictory images? Perhaps they are different points in a greater tale. Perhaps they depict different incidents altogether. 

Alas, we may never know.

Now that I am in my late-50s, with at least half of my life behind me, I would like to venture a guess:

At my age the impulse to mitigate the effects of aging, which can no longer be ignored, is quite strong. Exercise, supplementation and diet are recruited. And a variety of cosmetic, emotional, mental and spiritual techniques are gradually added to our arsenal of weapons until Geras is kept at bay. Some fight harder, with drugs, surgery and fringe (or cutting edge) science.

Through this struggle acceptance eventually emerges, and with it peace. Embracing Old Age and facing the finality of all mortal life allows you to appreciate the preciousness of each and every passing moment. 

When I personally found myself there, I made a promise: Until I die, I resolve to fully live.


Hercules Invictus 

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus