Mythic Physique: Supplement Reviews

My mid-section fat stores are visibly shrinking and, at a much slower rate, my skin around the abdomen is tightening as well.

Though this is all quite good, and my tight abdominal muscles are increasingly peeking through, the process is, well..., very slow. To help the process along, I decided to increase my sets and reps of ab exercises, tighten my abs whenever I think of it throughout the day, and ingest some CLA.

CLA is said to target belly fat, as well as reducing bodyfat overall. As I am aware of my current rate of stored-fat diminishment, if it helps I am sure to notice. 

So I picked up a month's supply of ZEROFAT (TM)  CLA 2000 MG from my local pharmacy, and on Sunday July 19, 2015 I took two with my evening meal. My one-month experiment has begun!

A week later: I continued to lose stored fat around the midsection at a similar rate to that previous to taking CLA. It seems that further time will be needed to ascertain the effectiveness of this product.

Another week later: I seem to be losing more stored body fat than previously. More of my abdominal muscles are becoming visible.

Three weeks have passed: There is a dramatic reduction in stored mid-section fat.

Week Four: Ditto. I have decided to continue experimenting with this product.

More to come...

Mid-May 2016: I revisited this supplement for another month and obtained similar results.

August 2017: I revisited this supplement for another four weeks and obtained results as previously noted. I will continue using it beyond the one month trial.

Review by Hercules Invictus

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus

