Mythic Physique: Adventures 2015

Tenafly Mayor Peter Rustin

June 2015

I am honored to be a resident of Tenafly, a borough in Bergen County that is dedicated to enhancing the quality of our lives by promoting health, fitness and an active lifestyle.

Mayor Peter Rustin powerfully reaffirmed this commitment when he joined the Mayors Wellness Campaign (MWC), an initiative of the NJ Healthcare Quality Institute, in July of 2012.

In March of 2014, less than two years later, Tenafly was officially recognized as a New Jersey Healthy Town by the MWC.

Not content to rest upon their laurels, Mayor Rustin and his Council have maintained an open dialogue on health related issues, and have launched a website, which can be accessed through the link on the left. They have also sounded the call for public and private donors, partners, conspirators and volunteers. 

Many local residents, organizations and businesses have already responded to this call and are now actively engaged in making Tenafly an even healthier place to live.

Inspired by their noble efforts, I resolved to get personally involved by dedicating time and energy toward further actualizing our Mayor's lofty visions for our collective wellbeing.

This month I will explore how my quest for a more Mythic Physique can benefit and serve the needs of my local community. Perhaps my adventure, which will be chronicled here, will inspire you to attempt the same!

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus

July - September 2015
The Charles Atlas Challenge ®

Peter Rustin, the Mayor of Tenafly initiated a Mayors Wellness Campaign in 2012 and Tenafly was, two years later, officially recognized as a New Jersey Healthy Town, a distinction it still holds. Hercules Invictus, an individual associated with both Charles Atlas and the MWC in Tenafly, suggested that he introduce the benefits of our system to his community by issuing a Challenge. We agreed. And thus, the Charles Atlas Challenge is now part of Hercules' Fitness Quest 2015, as well as being the theme of this year's Trophy Contest.

Charles Atlas, Ltd.

Fitness Quest 2015

Every year I recommit myself to my personal goal of building a Mythic Physique by repeating the entire Charles Atlas ® course and fine tuning my diet.

My annual re-dedication, now called The Charles Atlas Challenge ®, is open to all Charles Atlas ® students worldwide and will serve as the theme for the 2015 Charles Atlas Trophy Contest ®.

And, inspired by the Mayors Wellness Campaign in Tenafly, I have dedicated myself to helping my community enjoy even greater levels of fitness and health as an official Conspirator in Wellness.

Even if you are not a resident of Tenafly, or a student of Charles Atlas®, you are invited to join this quest and even to chronicle your adventure on the Firness Quest 2015 website. You can become part of this adventure via the Menu link to the left.

Onwards, to Optimal Wellness!

Harlots and Heresy

In July, August and September Athena & I also prepared for our roles in Isabel Merians' play Harlots and Heresy, which ran from September 25 - 27, 2015 at the Nyack Village Theater. I played Samson (and Jehoida and Jehu) and Athena played the Goddess (and Tecla). Our performances were captured on video and there was talk about the footage being turned into a movie and being released on DVD.

In October I re-dedicated myself to serving my community though my continued participation in our Mayor's Wellness Campaign. I was also determined to devote time and energy to the Access for All Committee and to the challenges associated with growing older in 2016.

October - December 2015