Mythic Physique: Tributes

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus

Yes, I know...

Unlike most of the actors that portrayed Hercules during the heyday of the Sword & Sandal Era, Nigel Green was not a bodybuilder. Nor was he remotely in his prime.

And yet, he pulled it off.  

His commanding presence, over-the-top performance and total immersion into the role made him a convincing Son of Zeus in the 1963 motion picture Jason and the Argonauts. His distinctive and unique interpretation of Hercules remains one of my favorites even now, over half a century later. 

There's a powerful lesson in this and it speaks to me quite clearly. In my Primal Vision I experienced myself as a Hercules that was no longer young, yet I still sounded the Horn of Summoning and accepted my Olympian Mission.

In honor of Nigel Green and what he taught me I will integrate more systems of Strength-Building beyond the physical into our collective mutual journey of building for ourselves a Mythic Physique.

Tribute by Hercules Invictus


Mythic Mentor: 2015