Mythic Physique: Book Reviews

Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus

I had initially begun reviewing Imagine: A New You in 30 Days, and experimenting with its contents, in Destiny Quest. Within days, however, its broad categories started spilling into some of my other areas of focus, and the Health section of the book was most appropriate for inclusion in Mythic Physique. So here we are!  

The Health section consists of three chapters, each by a different author, and there random healthy recipes scattered throughout the book. I've decided to cook one per week, if circumstances allow, making modifications, if need be, to accommodate my Paleo-style diet.

Day One - Part A: Imagine Health by Sarah Piper, was the first entry I chose to integrate into my daily routine for the next month. It was a rough chapter as it related the author's attempts to stay positive as Multiple Sclerosis, and other complications, such as numerous brain lesions, affected her once athletic body over a short span of years. With brutally honesty, Sarah Piper freely shares how her condition affects her inner, as well as her outer, being. Her depression, though not as prevalent as in the past, remains an ever-present reality. What keeps her going? Her fighting spirit and the belief that she can contribute something positive to our world. This insight is well worth contemplating... and integrating.

Day One - Part B: Find Your Who by Heart and Stroke Foundations Heart of Gold Award Winner Brian Campkin, relates his first-hand account of surviving heart disease. After making it graphically clear that being treated for clogged arteries is far from fun, he asks us to consider who WE are living for, if not for ourselves. For him it was his daughters, to all of whom he grants a voice in his entry.  I asked myself this question back when Type II Diabetes first entered my reality, and I reinforce the memory daily, especially whenever I find myself straying from the straight and narrow Path of Optimal Wellness.

Day Two: Free the Castle: How to Break the Habit of Not Breaking Habits by The Brain Broad Lynette Louise demonstrates how habitual behaviors can, and often do, imprison and enslave us. They can drive and abandon us in places where we would rather not be. Fortunately, their hold can be broken through neurofeedback, which provides us with glimpses of our brain's behavior. Other methods may be as effective, but twenty neurofeedback sessions over a 30 day period will definitely do the trick. After this, we can make or break habits at will and design a life that we can enjoy, and better control.

Days Two through Ten: Imagine Health reminds me that many individuals face much greater Wellness Challenges than I do, and that I should be grateful for, and aggressively operate from, whatever my current level of functioning happens to be. Find Your Who asks me to keep my reasons for living forever in mind, which I already do quite faithfully. And Free the Castle: How to Break the Habit of Not Breaking Habits provides me with a technique I can modify to fit my circumstances and experiment with. All easily incorporated into my day for the following month...

Days Eleven through Twenty: Imagine Health has etched itself into my neuronsFind Your Who, as stated, I already do, several times a day. Free the Castle: How to Break the Habit of Not Breaking Habits reminds me to keep working on changing my counterproductive or ineffective habits. There has been definite progress.

Day Thirteen: A trip to the Emergency Room revealed that my hyperglycemia was in the Moderate Level, which was unacceptable to me. This led to my focusing even more attention on my habital behaviors.

Day Fifteen - Part A: As I am greatly motivated to succeed with sculpting an even more Mythic Physique, I decided to recruit much of Imagine's Success section into this endeavor. As I am already operating from my most Authentic self with this, and it is habitual behaviors I wish to modify or change, I will begin with Stop Trying to Break Bad Habits! Change Them for Something Better.

Day Fifteen - Part B: Stop Trying to Break Bad Habits! Change Them for Something Better by John Patrick Hickey advises not to wrestle with small habits at all, as it grants them power that can be best applied on more important matters, such as cultivating our inner greatness so that we can maximize our full potential and fulfill our unique destinies. This chapter managed to convey a lot of powerful and practical information in a few short pages, and warrants many thoughtful re-readings. There are only three simple steps to follow, but each one deserves, and demants, total dedication.

Days Twenty One through Thirty: Imagine Health has been integratedFind Your Who is very much a part of meFree the Castle: How to Break the Habit of Not Breaking Habits will be extended for the fifteen days that Stop Trying to Break Bad Habits! Change Them for Something Better has remaining. I will re-read both articles anew.

Days Thirty One through Forty Five: Both Free the Castle: How to Break the Habit of Not Breaking Habits and Stop Trying to Break Bad Habits! Change Them for Something Better continue to prove useful, especially since I've run into some deep-rooted resistances of late. Fortunately, I am very much aware that self-improvement is a life-long process.


Hercules Invictus