Mythic Physique: 2017 Workout


Larger Than Life Living in the World Today

(c) 1975-2017 Hercules Invictus

The Charles Atlas (R) program serves as the core foundation upon which my daily workout rests. 

The idea for the system was inspired by a statue of Hercules and the stretching of lions.

Once or twice a year I complete the entire twelve-week course, the rest of the time I perform routines based on my favorite exercises.

A workout of my own devising is woven into the above routines. My personal workout employs portable equipment such as hand-grips, dumbbells, kettlebells, Indian clubs, elastic bands etc.

My personal system also utilizes meditation, visualizations, affirmations, and other spiritual and mental techniques. I am always experimenting.

Steve Reeves was the first cinematic Hercules and his mythic films launched the Peplum Era.

For further inspiration I am re-watching the Hercules movies of Steve Reeves and other films in the genre he inspired.

A physique like Steve's is the next milestone I will strive for. Fortunately, Steve Reeves openly shared his techniques and has an organization, Steve Reeves International, that preserves his legacy.


For Diet: A High Protein, High Fat and Low Carbs lifestyle works best for me

I re-dedicate myself to the Path of Health, Wellness and body-sculpting a Mythic Physique. I will offer whatever encouragement I can to others who are on the same adventure or on a similar journey.

In honor of Steve Reeves, this year's Mythic Mentor, I am studying A Moment in Time: The Steve Reeves Story and will be integrating what insights on exercising I glean into my daily routine starting in March 2017.

Ancient Greco-Roman statuary inspired the early Physical Culture movement.In early 2017 Ecstatic Body Postures will serve to re-attune me with the power of these archaic and iconic images while adding a spiritual dimension to my daily workout.


Hercules is the Leader of the Mighty Elohim in The Seven Mighty Elohim Speak On: The Seven Steps to Precipitation. This I AM Activity book teaches you the secrets of Precipitation (aka Manifesting). I will be applying the techniques in several of my life-spheres, including building a Mythic Physique throughout 2017.


In honor of Steve Reeves, this year's Mythic Mentor, I will be experimenting more with his methods and training philosophies. Training the Steve Reeves Way by Greg Sushinsky is January 2017's tome.


Eating the Steve Reeves Way also by Greg Sushinsky is February 2017's tome.


The Ecstatic Experience has served to re-attune me with the power of archaic and iconic images in May and June 2017.


The Strength of Samson further reinforces the mythic and spiritual roots of my quest.  It guides me through July 2017... and beyond. Note: The possibility of my portraying Samson again arose synchronistically in July 2017 as well.


In late July I started integrating the meditations in To Walk with Lions into my daily routine. The lion is my totem and I could surely benefit from integrating more regal leonine qualities into my being.


In late July I also started integrating the meditations, exercises and concepts in The Solar Body into my daily routine. Nothing like using the power of the sun itself!


Starting in August I began utilizing The Healing Art of Essential Oils by Kac Young, Ph.D. to guide me with using essential oils to enhance my Quest for Optimal Wellness and my sculpting a Mythic Physique.